Records - B

There are 1820 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Behsley, H.

Full Record

Beickley, E. S.

Artistic Focus: artist

Full Record

Bein, Charles W.

Birth Date: 1892,
Death Date: 6/24/1966, New Orleans, LA

Artistic Focus: painter, art teacher

Full Record

Bejar, Feliciano

Artistic Focus: artist

Full Record

Belanger, Marion

Active in New Orleans: 1987-
Artistic Focus: photographer

Full Record

Belasco, Martin

Artistic Focus: painter

Full Record

Belaume, Jacques

Artistic Focus: engraver, jeweler, metalworker

Full Record

Belchas, Hilda

Artistic Focus: portraitist

Full Record

Belden, Augustus

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1840
Artistic Focus: portraitist

Full Record

Belden, Frances Marsden

Death Date: 8/7/1923, New Orleans, LA

Artistic Focus: artist

Full Record

Belden, Henry Evelyn

Birth Date: 6/12/1899, New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 1/9/1930, New Orleans, LA

Artistic Focus: carver, jeweler

Full Record

Belden, James Webster

Birth Date: 10/10/1865, New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 11/7/1914, New Orleans, LA

Artistic Focus: sculptor

Full Record

Belden, Arabella Treat

Birth Date: ca. 1830, Palmyra, NY
Death Date: 7/21/1896, Mandeville, LA

Artistic Focus: painter

Full Record

Belden, Janet

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1984
Artistic Focus: potter

Full Record


Artistic Focus: metalworker

Full Record

Belhatte, A.

Artistic Focus: engraver

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Belhomme, J.

Full Record

Belknap, Jackson Ogden

Artistic Focus: glassworker

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Bell, A(lonzo). C.

Artistic Focus: architect, surveyor

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Bell, Betty

Artistic Focus: painter

Full Record

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