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Belleville Iron Works

Is An Institution
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Bellew, Frank Henry Temple

Birth Date: 4/18/1828, Cawnpore, Hinustan
Death Date: 6/29/1888, Long Island, NY

Artistic Focus: caricaturist, illustrator

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Belley, J. W.

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Belliard, Francois

Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Bellin, Nicholas Jaques

Birth Date: 1703,
Death Date: 1772,

Artistic Focus: cartographer

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Bello, Peter

Artistic Focus: machinist

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Bellocq, E. J.

Artistic Focus: photographer

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Bellome, Gregoire

Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Artistic Focus: painter

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Bellows, A. F.

Artistic Focus: painter

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Bellows, Arthur

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Bellows, George

Birth Date: 1882, Columbus, OH

Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Belmont, Melville

Artistic Focus: painter

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Belneau, C.

Birth Date: ca. 1822, France

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1850
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Belome, Jacques

Artistic Focus: engraver

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Artistic Focus: painter

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Belrone (?), J.

Artistic Focus: painter

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Belter, John Henry

Artistic Focus: designer, furniture worker

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Beltrami, G. C.

Artistic Focus: surveyor

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Beltran, Maria del Rosario

Active in New Orleans: 2002 -
Artistic Focus: artist, potter

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