Records - D

There are 1141 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Duran, Joan

Active in New Orleans: 1995,1997, 2000
Artistic Focus: painter

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Durand, Carroll R.

Active in New Orleans: 1967
Artistic Focus: designer

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Durand, Asher Brown

Birth Date: 8/26/1796, Jefferson Village, NJ
Death Date: 9/17/1886, Jefferson Village, NJ

Artistic Focus: engraver, painter, portraitist

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Durand, M.A.

Active in New Orleans: 1866
Artistic Focus: artist

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Durand, Prosper E.

Active in New Orleans: 1867
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Durand, T.E.

Active in New Orleans: 1866
Artistic Focus: artist

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Durand, Robin

Artistic Focus: painter

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Durant, Ad.

Artistic Focus: portraitist, miniaturist

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Dureau, Gaston J.

Active in New Orleans: 1900-
Artistic Focus: commercial artist, draftsman

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Dureau, George Valteau Jr.

Birth Date: December 28, 1930, New Orleans, LA
Death Date: April 7, 2014, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: c. 1950-2014
Artistic Focus: painter, photographer, lithographer, sculptor

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Durel, Carl

Active in New Orleans: 1930-
Artistic Focus: sculptor, painter, lithographer

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Durel, Juan Bautiste

Active in New Orleans: 1788-1856
Artistic Focus: craftsman, furniture worker

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Durel, Paulin

Birth Date: c. 1816,
Death Date: 6/20/1882, Mandeville, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1832-1882
Artistic Focus: stationer, printer

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Durel, Rene Norbert

Birth Date: 1/1/1880, New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 12/22/1946, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1894-1946
Artistic Focus: caricaturist, commercial artist

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Durel, J & J,

Active in New Orleans: 1869-1935
Artistic Focus: commercial artist, stationer

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Duren, Suz

Active in New Orleans: ca. 2000
Artistic Focus: painter

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Duren, Terence R.

Active in New Orleans: 1948
Artistic Focus: painter

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Durieux, Caroline Spelman

Birth Date: Jan 22, 1896, New Orleans, LA
Death Date: Nov 26, 1989,

Active in New Orleans: 1913-1943
Artistic Focus: printmaker, painter, illustrator

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Durkee, Florence (K.)

Death Date: 6/11/1971, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1931-1953
Artistic Focus: artist, etcher, art teacher

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