Records - H

There are 1038 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Hoffman, Charles

Active in New Orleans: 1877-89
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Hoffman, Frank B.

Birth Date: 1888,
Death Date: 1958,

Artistic Focus: painter

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Hoffman, George B.

Death Date: 10/25/1917?,

Active in New Orleans: 1884-88
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Hoffman, Lee M.

Artistic Focus: painter

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Hoffman, Richard

Death Date: Apr-73, Seattle, WA

Active in New Orleans: 1957
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist

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Hoffmann, F.

Active in New Orleans: 1819
Artistic Focus: craftsman

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Hoffmann, Louis

Death Date: 6/8/1910, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1890-1910
Artistic Focus: painter

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Hoffmann, U.

Active in New Orleans: 1854
Artistic Focus: painter

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Hoffmeister, Charles

Active in New Orleans: 1866-97
Artistic Focus: carver

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Hoffmeister, William C.

Birth Date: 1848, New York
Death Date: 5/3/1908, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1879-1902
Artistic Focus: carver

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Hoffpauir, Stephan

Artistic Focus: architect, painter, writer

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Hoffy, Alfred

Active in New Orleans: 1840-52
Artistic Focus: portraitist, lithographer, painter, draftsman

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Hofle, Emile

Active in New Orleans: 1895
Artistic Focus: artist

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Active in New Orleans: ca.1941
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hogan, Almena

Active in New Orleans: 1950
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hogan, Edmund

Active in New Orleans: 1823
Artistic Focus: architect, draftsman

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Hogan, M. E.

Active in New Orleans: 1865
Artistic Focus: painter

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Hogan, Mary

Active in New Orleans: 1997
Artistic Focus: painter

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Hogan, Thomas

Birth Date: ca. 1839, Ireland
Death Date: after 1900, NYC?

Artistic Focus: illustrator, lithographer

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Hogan, Emily

Artistic Focus: painter

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