Records - L

There are 979 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Lashley, Myra Ann

Active in New Orleans: 1963
Artistic Focus: artist

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Lasosse, A.

Active in New Orleans: 1770s
Artistic Focus: portraitist, painter

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Lassen, Nancy Hirsch

Active in New Orleans: 1970s -
Artistic Focus: painter, designer, gallery proprietor

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Lassonde, Omer

Active in New Orleans: 1931
Artistic Focus: painter

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Lassus, Jean Pierre

Active in New Orleans: 1725-1728
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist, surveyor

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Active in New Orleans: 1894
Artistic Focus: painter

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Laterrade, Peter

Birth Date: 1880, New Orleans
Death Date: 1/19/1910, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1897-1904
Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Latham, Barbara

Active in New Orleans: 1939
Artistic Focus: printmaker

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Latham, John

Active in New Orleans: 1840-1842
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Latham, William G.

Birth Date: ca. 1810, Manchester, England
Death Date: 6/2/1864, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1834-1864
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Lathrop, George T.

Birth Date: 1843, New York

Active in New Orleans: 1869-1890
Artistic Focus: engraver, printer

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Lathrop, Kristine

Active in New Orleans: 1980
Artistic Focus: painter, designer

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Lathrop, W.

Active in New Orleans: 1886
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Lathrop, William L.

Birth Date: 1859, Warren, IL
Death Date: 1938, New Hope, PA

Artistic Focus: painter

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Latour, Arsene Lacarriere

Birth Date: ca. 1775, France
Death Date: 1839, Paris

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1808-1816
Artistic Focus: designer, art teacher, sketch artist, architect, engineer

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Latour, John B.

Active in New Orleans: 1840-1871
Artistic Focus: painter, printer

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Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Boneval

Birth Date: 1764, England
Death Date: September 3, 1820, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1811-1820
Artistic Focus: designer, architect

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Latrobe, Henry Sellon Boneval

Birth Date: 1794, England
Death Date: 9/3/1817, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1811-1817
Artistic Focus: designer, architect

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Latrobe, John Hazelhurst Boneval

Birth Date: May 4, 1803, Philadelphia
Death Date: September 11, 1891, Baltimore, MD

Active in New Orleans: 1834-1835
Artistic Focus: painter, writer, sketch artist, illustrator, architect

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Lattermann, Jutta

Active in New Orleans: 1960, 1963
Artistic Focus: artist, craftsman, collagist

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