Records - W

There are 681 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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White, Willie

Birth Date: ca. 1908, Cranfield, MS
Death Date: 2000, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1930s - 2000
Artistic Focus: painter

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Whitefield, Edwin

Birth Date: 1816, England
Death Date: 1892,

Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist

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Whitehall, Florence

Active in New Orleans: 1940s
Artistic Focus: painter

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Whitehead, Buell

Artistic Focus: etcher

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Whitehouse, Deborah

Active in New Orleans: 1998
Artistic Focus: artist

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Whitehurst, Camelia

Active in New Orleans: 1925
Artistic Focus: painter, portraitist

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Whiteman, Edward

Birth Date: 16-Dec-38, Buffalo, NY

Active in New Orleans: 1960 -1990s
Artistic Focus: painter

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Whiteman, Paulette Tokar

Active in New Orleans: 1970s - 1990s
Artistic Focus: painter, art teacher

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Active in New Orleans: 1845

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Whiter Brothers

Active in New Orleans: 1900 - 1968
Artistic Focus: jeweler

Is An Institution
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Whitesell, Joseph Woodson

Birth Date: February 11, 1876, near Libertyville, Indiana
Death Date: 18-Feb-58, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1918 - 1958
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Whitfield & King

Artistic Focus: architect

Is An Institution
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Whitfield-Parr, Elizabeth

Active in New Orleans: 1980
Artistic Focus: etcher

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Whiting, A.

Active in New Orleans: 1824
Artistic Focus: art dealer

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Whiting, Charles S.b

Active in New Orleans: 1940s - 1950
Artistic Focus: painter

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Whiting, Daniel P.

Birth Date: 1808, Troy, NY
Death Date: 1892,

Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist

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Active in New Orleans: 1847
Artistic Focus: art teacher

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Whitmire, Mary Louise

Active in New Orleans: 1980s -
Artistic Focus: painter

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Whitney, C. M.

Active in New Orleans: 1891
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Whitney, Daniel Webster

Birth Date: May 3, 1898, near Baltimore, Maryland
Death Date: Dec-65, Covington, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1925 - 1930s
Artistic Focus: painter, art teacher

Full Record

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