Nicholson, Leona Fischer

Birth Date: 4/11/1875   Place: St. Francisville, LA
Death Date: 1966   Place: New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1896-1958
Artistic Focus: painter, potter, art teacher, ceramicist

Gender: female
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Alternate Name(s): Mrs. William Bentley Nicholson

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1905, 1927, 1931, 1935, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1945-47, 1949, 1952-56, 1958, 1960-62, 1964-66. Harlequin 5(June 23, 1904): 8; Item, Nov. 26, 1923; T. Pic., Mar. 16, 1925, Oct. 4, 1927, Mar. 3, 1930, June 3, 1951, Jan. 14, 1962, Apr. 12, 1964, May 27, 1984. Antique Monthly (Apr. 1983): 9B; Art Asso., Catalogue (1905, 1910, 1917); Delgado, Catalogue of Paintings, 39; Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters, NOPL; Ormond and Irvine, 38, 83-84, 86, 88, 93, 164-65; Poesch, Newcomb Pottery, 43, 50, 54, 103, 124-25, 129; Who's Who in American Art, 1938-39.

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