Rawdon Wright Hatch & Edson

Active in New Orleans: 1838-1858
Artistic Focus: engraver, printer

Is An Institution

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1841-43, 1849-59. Bee, June 17, 1841, Jan. 7, 1842; D. Pic., Apr. 29, 1841, Dec. 21, 1845, June 8, 1847, Mar. 17, 1850; Comm. Bull., Feb. 14, 1839; Courier, Nov. 19, 1842; True American, Jan. 7, 1839. Boggs, Ten Decades Ago; Groce and Wallace.

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