Reinagle, Hugh

Birth Date: ca. 1788   Place: Philadelphia
Death Date: 5/23/1834   Place: New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1832-1834
Artistic Focus: designer, painter

Gender: male

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Miscellaneous Other(s):

Reference Citations:

Argus, May 19, 24, 1834; Bee, Jan. 30, Feb. 22, 1832, Jan. 4, May 17, 24, 1834. Antiques 93(Apr. 1968): 506; Appleton, CAB; Bénézit; Boston Museum, Karolik Collection I:264; Dunlap, Arts of Design III:72; Fielding, Dictionary; Friends of the Cabildo, 250 Years, 42; Groce and Wallace; Kendall, Golden Age, 76; Kennedy Gallery, Henry Graves, Jr., Collection, 19; Peters, America on Stone, 295-96, 332; Thompson, "Checklist"; U.S. Library of congress, Battle Art, 92.

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