Stempel, Jr.Frederick William

Birth Date: Dec. 14, 1887   Place: New Orleans, LA
Death Date: July 26l, 1959   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1905-1919
Artistic Focus: painter, portraitist

Gender: male

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1905-06, 1908-33, 1935, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1945-47, 1949, 1952-56, 1958. T. Pic., July 28, 1959. Art Asso., Special Exhibition; Cruise and Harton, 98, 117-18; U.S. Census (1910), roll 521.

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