Thompson, Cephas
Birth Date: July 1, 1775 Place: Middleborough, MA
Death Date: November 6, 1856 Place: Middleborough, MA
Active in New Orleans: 1816
Artistic Focus: portraitist
Gender: male
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):
Death Date: November 6, 1856 Place: Middleborough, MA
Active in New Orleans: 1816
Artistic Focus: portraitist
Gender: male
Contents of File
Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):
Reference Citations:
L'Ami des Lois, Dec. 11, 1815-Jan. 3, 1816 (advs.). American Painters of the South, 20; Appleton's CAB; Groce and Wallace; South on Paper, 5, 61.