Viavant, George Louis
Birth Date: 1872 Place: New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 1925 Place: New Orleans, LA
Active in New Orleans: 1891-1925
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist
Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Death Date: 1925 Place: New Orleans, LA
Active in New Orleans: 1891-1925
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist
Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Contents of File
Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Reference Citations:
NOCD 1890-91, 1893-96, 1899. T. Pic., Jan 9, 1983. Art Asso., Catalogue (1914); Bénézit; Chambers, Art and Artists, 63, 70; Fielding, Dictionary; LSM Scrapbook 100: 63; New Orleans 19(Dec. 1984): 77; U.S. Census (1910), roll 522; Wiesendagner, 101; WPA, Louisiana, 167.