Wehrmann, Henrietta Termier
Birth Date: Oct. 4, 1834 Place: Luchtringen on the Weser, Westphalia, Germany
Death Date: June 22, 1901 Place: New Orleans, LA
Active in New Orleans: 1893-1901
Artistic Focus: lithographer
Gender: female
Alternate Name(s): Henriette; Mrs. Hermann Wehrmann
Death Date: June 22, 1901 Place: New Orleans, LA
Active in New Orleans: 1893-1901
Artistic Focus: lithographer
Gender: female
Alternate Name(s): Henriette; Mrs. Hermann Wehrmann
Contents of File
Reference Citations:
NOCD 1879-1901. D. Pic., June 23, 1901. Land, Pen Illustrations of New Orleans, 81; THNOC Cemetery Survey; U.S. Census (1880), roll 460, (1900), roll 571.