Buckner, Kate
Birth Date: 9/4/1869 Place: New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 1/9/1968 Place: Avery Island, LA
Artistic Focus: artist, painter
Gender: female
Alternate Name(s): Mrs. Daniel Dudley Avery
Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):
Death Date: 1/9/1968 Place: Avery Island, LA
Artistic Focus: artist, painter
Gender: female
Alternate Name(s): Mrs. Daniel Dudley Avery
Contents of File
Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):
Reference Citations:
Current Topics Jan. 1892, 24; D. Pic., Dec. 17, 1891, Mar. 3, 1892, Jan. 15, Feb. 14, 1893; T. Demo., Mar. 3, 1892; T. Pic., Jan. 10, 1968. AANO, Catalogue (1891); Interview with Avery Bassich, July 2, 1986; Poesch, Newcomb Pottery, 96.