Bush, Joseph Henry

Birth Date: 1794   Place: Frankfort, KY
Death Date: 1/11/1865   Place: Lexington, KY

Active in New Orleans: 1845
Artistic Focus: portraitist

Gender: male

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:

Reference Citations:

Bee, Jan. 29, 1841; Bull Frog, Feb. 12, 1841; D. Pic., Jan. 28, 1845; Mercantile Advertiser, Nov. 24, 1831; Wkly. Delta, Mar. 13, 1848. Barker, 402; Bruns, 188, 205, 243, 310; Floyd, Jouett-Bush-Frazer, 83-123; Groce and Wallace; LSM, Annual Report for 1919, 58.

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