Amans, Jacques Guillaume Lucien

Birth Date: 1801   Place: Maastricht, Netherlands
Death Date: Jan. 10, 1888   Place: Paris, France

Active in New Orleans: 1836-58
Artistic Focus: portraitist, painter

Gender: male
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Exhibition catalog(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

Thesis on Jacques Amans by Cara Lu Salam at LSU (1967). NOCD 1838, 1841-44, 1846, 1850-56, 1858; NOBD 1857. Bee, Dec. 2, 1837, Nov. 23, 1840, June 22, Dec. 27, 1844; Courier, Sept. 7, 1841, July 3, 1843, Mar. 2, Dec. 26, 1844, Jan. 3, Nov. 10, 1845, Jan. 17, 1846, Jan. 2, 1847, Dec. 1, 1849, Feb. 1, 1850; Current Topics Aug. 1891, 19; D. Crescent, Dec. 25, 1857; D. Pic., Jan. 15, 1888, July 1, 1891; Revue Louisianaise 1(Aug. 2, 1846): 440-41; Wkly. Delta, Feb. 27, 1848. Bénézit; Bringier Family Geneolagy, Hermitage Foundation Papers, THNOC; Bruns, 309; Creole Exhibit, 10; Fielding, Dictionary; Groce and Wallace; Harter and Tucker, 118; Information courtesy of George E. Jordan; Mallett's; Orleans Parish Notarial Archives, Felix Grima, Mar. 18, 1844, 40:70; Poesch, Art of the Old South, 266-68; Thompson, "Checklist"; Tucker, "Amans"; WPA, "Lives".

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