Foy, Rene Prosper

Birth Date: July 3, 1787   Place: Orleans, France
Death Date: Feb. 7, 1854   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1807-38
Artistic Focus: sculptor, art teacher, engraver, carver

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Exhibition catalog(s):
Official Records/Vital Statistics:

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1811, 1830, 1834, 1837-38, 1843-44, 1849-55. Argus, Apr. 17, 1827; Bee, Aug. 6, 1835, Feb. 8, 1854; Courier, Apr. 30, 1813, May 16, 1814, June 20, Oct. 22-29, 1817 (advs.), July 1, 1854; D. Pic., Mar. 17, 1903; Gazette, June 10, Nov. 8, 1825; Moniteur, July 11, 1807. Delery, 109, 163; Friends of the Cabildo, N.O. Architecture, 3:75, 6:20-21; Groce and Wallace; Prosper Foy Papers, TU; Second District Court, Succession of Prosper Foy, 1854, docket 7355, NOPL; Testut, Portraits Littéraires, 175-77; U.S. Census (1840), roll 1315.

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