Washburn, Mary Helen

Birth Date: May 6, 1862   Place: New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 24-Jun-34   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1894-98
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist, art teacher

Gender: female
Alternate Name(s): Minnie

Contents of File

Exhibition catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1894-95, 1899, 1908-16, 1918-19, 1922-23, 1929, 1933. D. Pic., Mar. 30, 1897; D. States, Jan. 23, 1898; T. Demo., Dec. 14, 1894; T. Pic., June 25, 1934. AANO, Catalogue (1896, 1897); LSM, Biennial Report for 1922-23, 62; LSM, Biennial Report for 1924-25, 62; LSM Scrapbook 100: 75; Mount, 136-37; Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters, NOPL; THNOC Cemetery Survey.

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