Fremaux, Leon Joseph

Birth Date: April 18, 1821   Place: Paris, France
Death Date: May 3, 1898   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1875-83
Artistic Focus: sketch artist, art teacher, surveyor, engineer

Gender: male
Alternate Name(s): Napoleon Joseph

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Reference Citations:

NOCD 1855-56, 1858, 1867-68, 1870-98. Advocate, Jan. 26, 1861; D. Pic., Apr. 14, 1868, Dec. 11, 1874, Nov. 11, 1882, May 20, 1883, May 4, 1898; D. States, May 5, 1898; Repub., Dec. 9, 1874; T. Demo., May 8, 1883, May 4-5, 1898; T. Pic., Oct. 25, 1936, Mar. 13, 1949. Booth, 2:929; Frémaux; LHS, Catalogue, (1903); Friends of the Cabildo, N.O. Architecture, 4:52; Nelson; Mechanics and Agricultural Fair, Report (1869): 76; Men and Matters, Nov. 1895, 12, 42, 44, 47; Murrell, 2:32, 34; U.S. Census (1860), roll 408.

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