Duval, Ambrose

Active in New Orleans: 1803-1830
Artistic Focus: painter, miniaturist, portraitist

Gender: male
Alternate Name(s): Ambroise

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1805, 1823-24, 1827, 1830, 1832, 1834-35. Courier, Aug. 5, 1811, Dec. 5, 1817, Aug. 3, 1829; Moniteur, Feb. 5, 1803. U.S. Census (1810), roll 10; U.S. Census (1830), roll 45; Bénézit; Bruns, 58, 260, 311; Fielding, Dictionary; Glenk, 68, 74; Groce and Wallace; Huber and Wilson, Cabildo, 57; Loan Exhibition of N.O. Artists Prior to 1900, 3; Isaac Delgado Museum, Miniatures and Fans; 250 Years, 50; THNOC 1975.142; WPA, New Orleans, 99.

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