Fisher, Charles F.

Birth Date: 1792   Place: Prussia
Death Date: 10/15/1873   Place: New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1840-1874
Artistic Focus: painter, portraitist, art teacher

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Alternate Name(s): Charles F. Fischer; Charles J. Fisher, etc.

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1850-53, 1857, 1860-61, 1866-68, 1870, 1872-74. Bee, Oct. 3, 1855, Feb. 5, 1856; Courier, Apr. 8, 1851, Jan. 28, 30, 1853, Sept. 5-26, 1855; D. Crescent, Nov. 22, Dec. 28, 1852, Jan. 4, 8, 1853; D. Pic., Oct. 10, Nov. 21, 1852, Jan. 8, 1853, Jan. 14, 1854, Sept. 2, 9, Oct. 28, 1855; D. True Delta, Feb. 6, 1856; D. Delta, Nov. 20, Dec. 9, 1852, June 21, 1854, Sept. 10, 1855, Feb. 5, 1856; Repub., Feb. 20, 1868, Feb. 10, 1869, Oct. 12, 1871, Sept. 10, 1873; Times, Oct. 25, 1871; T. Deutsches Zeitung, Nov. 25, 28, Dec. 25, 1852, Oct. 27, 1855, Feb. 7, 1856. Fairman, 148; Groce and Wallace; LSM, Annual Report for 1918, 59; N.O. Death Certificate (1873), 59:602, NOPL; THNOC 1962.17; U.S. Census (1860), roll 421, (1870), roll 520.

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