Fleischbein, Franz Joseph

Birth Date: 1805   Place: Germany
Death Date: 11/16/1868   Place: New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1833-1862
Artistic Focus: portraitist, painter, photographer

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Alternate Name(s): François Jacques

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):
Miscellaneous Other(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1837-38, 1841-43, 1846, 1850-61, 1866; NOBD 1858. Bee, July 8, 1833; Courier, Dec. 9-13, 1836 (advs.), Feb. 28, 1837, Dec. 6, 1839, Sept. 18, 1851; Whig, Nov. 13, 1834; Jordan, "Old Sketch Books Recall Early N.O. Artist," T. Pic., Apr. 4, 1976. Bruns, 277, 296, 312; Coulon MS, Scrapbook 100, LSM; Fielding, Dictionary; Groce and Wallace; Glenk, 39, 74; Harter and Tucker, 120-21; LSM, Biennial Report for 1916-17, 100; LSM, Biennial Report for 1928-29, 79; N.O. Death Certificate (1867), 41:537, NOPL; Seebold, 1:23; Smith and Tucker, 157; U.S. Census (1840), reel 132, (1850), roll 238; Wiesendanger, 48-49; WPA, American Portrait Inventory, 99.

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