Foy, Prosper Florville

Birth Date: 1920   Place: New Orleans, LA
Death Date: 3/17/1903   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1841-1980
Artistic Focus: sculptor

Gender: male
Ethnicity: Black/African-American

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):
Miscellaneous Other(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1841-44, 1846, 1849-61, 1866-1903. Courier, Aug. 1, 1844, Aug. 19, 1848, Feb. 1, 1849, May 1, 1850, May 22, Sept. 6, 1851; D. Pic., Mar. 17, 1903; D. States, Dec. 10, 1880. Caldwell, 195; Curtis, 185-86; Friends of the Cabildo, New Orleans Architecture, 3:75, 105-106, 130, 6:107; Glenk, 96; Groce and Wallace; Information courtesy George E. Jordan; Land, 78; LSM Cemetery File; N.O. Death Certificate (1903), 129:582, NOPL; Second District Court, Succession of Prosper Foy, 1854, docket 7355, NOPL; U.S. Census (1850), roll 235, (1870), roll 521; WPA, "Lives."

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