Frobus, John H. C. N.

Place: Louisiana

Active in New Orleans: 1850-60
Artistic Focus: painter, engraver, art teacher

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1855-56, 1858-59, 1861, 1866. Bee, Jan. 1, 8, Mar. 26, 1857, Oct. 14, 1858, Jan. 17, 31, 1859, Sept. 24, 1863; D. Pic., Feb. 11, 1851; Wkly Mirror, Nov. 13, 1858. Smith and Tucker, 87, 114-15, 158; U.S. Census (1850), roll 235, (1860), roll 421.

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