Audubon, John Woodhouse

Birth Date: 11/30/1812   Place: Henderson, KY
Death Date: 2/ 18 or 21 /1862   Place: New York, NY

Active in New Orleans: 1837-1853
Artistic Focus: painter, portraitist

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Exhibition catalog(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):

Reference Citations:

Courier, Sept. 15, 1846; D. Pic., Dec. 3, 1845, Mar. 15, 1846; T. Pic., Dec. 2, 1945. Adams, 424-25, 466; J. J. Audubon, Letters, 2: 148-57; J. W. Audubon, 15, 48-49; Bannon and Clark, 65; Bénézit; Cahalane, xii-xiii; Groce and Wallace; Jones, 254; Mallett's; Thompson, "Checklist".

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