Garbeille, Philippe

Active in New Orleans: 1842-48
Artistic Focus: sculptor

Gender: male
Alternate Name(s): Philip G.

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1843-44, 1846. Bee, Oct. 4, 31, 1843, May 20, Oct. 19, 1847, Dec. 13, 1850; Comm. Times, Feb. 25, Mar. 13, Apr. 2, 30, May 20, June 10, 25, Oct. 18, Dec. 16, 1847, May 29, 1848; Courier, July 11, 1842, May 22, 1844, July 1, 1845, Nov. 9, 1846, May 27, Aug. 30, 1847, May 26, June 2, 1848, Oct. 1, 1853, Aug. 28, 1856; D. Delta, May 22, Oct. 19, 1847; D. National, Oct. 19, Dec. 14, 1847; D. Pic., Oct. 22, 1845, Sept. 7, Nov. 30, 1847, May 17, 1897; T. Demo., Jan. 12, 1913; Wkly. Delta May 24, Oct. 25, 1847, Aug. 12, 1850. Bénézit; Coulon MS, 3; Creole Exhibit, 16; Edouart, Silhouette, 56; Glenk, 89, 92-93, 95; Groce and Wallace; LSM, Biennial Report for 1920-21, 81; LSM, Biennial Report for 1924-25, 50; LSM, Biennial Report for 1932-33, 62, 66; Revue Louisianaise, 1(Apr. 2, 1846): 440-41, 1(Apr. 12, 1846):46-47, 2(Dec. 27, 1846)-2(Apr. 4, 1847) (illus.), 4(May 2, 1847): 116, 4(April 4, 1847)-4(Aug. 22, 1847) (illus); Tinker, Creole City, 166; Tinker, Pen, Pills and Pistols; WPA, Louisiana, 164; WPA Roster of Artists.

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