Halliday, Cora
Death Date: 4/3/1937 Place: New Orleans, LA
Active in New Orleans: 1887-1935
Artistic Focus: painter
Gender: female
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Active in New Orleans: 1887-1935
Artistic Focus: painter
Gender: female
Contents of File
Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Reference Citations:
NOCD 1923-24, 1926, 1931-33, 1935. D. Pic., Jan. 15, 1888, Jan. 22, 1889; D. States, Oct. 12, 1887, Jan. 14, 1888; T. Demo., Oct. 13, 1887; T. Pic., Apr. 4, 1937. Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters. NOPL; U.S. Census (1870), roll 525.