Hart, Joel Tanner

Birth Date: 2/10/1810   Place: Kentucky
Death Date: 3/2/1877   Place: Florence, Italy

Active in New Orleans: 18,401,860
Artistic Focus: sculptor

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

Bee, Apr. 11, 13, 1860; Courier, Sept. 30, 1845; D. Crescent, June 4, 1859; D. Delta, Sept. 2, 1855, Mar. 18, 1860; D. Orleanian, May 13, 1857; D. Pic., Sept. 19, 1858, Feb. 18, May 20, 1859; D. Tropic, Sept. 29, 1845; Times, Feb. 3, 1867; T. Pic., Dec. 20, 1925. Appleton's CAB; Coleman, Three Kentucky Artists, 3-23; Craven, Sculpture in America, 197-200, 313; Crescent Monthly 2(Mar. 1867): 233; DAB; Groce and Wallace.

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