Holt, Sally Shephard

Birth Date: 6/15/1873   Place: Mobile, AL
Death Date: 8/20/1965   Place: New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1911-53
Artistic Focus: potter, craftsman, glassworker

Gender: female
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Artists Directory Entry or Entries:
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1910, 1922-23, 1928, 1931-32, 1938, 1940, 1949, 1952-53, 1956. T. Pic., Aug. 21, 1965. Art Asso., Catalogue (1910); Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters, NOPL; Ormond and Irvine, 157; Poesch, Newcomb Pottery, 40, 100; U.S. Census (1910), roll 523.

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