Holyland, Frederick

Place: New York

Active in New Orleans: 1861-95
Artistic Focus: engraver

Gender: male

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Auction catalog(s):

Reference Citations:

NOCD 1861, 1867-69, 1871-95; Boyd, Louisiana and Mississippi BD, 158. D. Pic., Apr. 13, 18, 1869, Mar. 5, 1872, Nov. 4, 1874, Jan. 15, 1875; D. States, Oct. 30, 1888, May 1, 1883; National Republican, Mar. 10, Sept. 15, 1872; Repub., Feb. 12, Nov. 22, 1871, June 22, Sept. 10, 1873, Dec. 15, 1874, May 6, 1876; T. Demo., June 28, 1894. Mechanics' And Agricultural Fair Asso., Report (1869): 79; U.S. Census (1870), roll 524, (1860), roll 415.

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