Jefferson, Joseph IV

Birth Date: 2/20/1829   Place: Philadelphia, PA
Death Date: 4/23/1905   Place: Palm Beach, FL

Active in New Orleans: 1889
Artistic Focus: painter

Gender: male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Contents of File

Newspaper/Periodical Clipping(s):
Exhibition catalog(s):
Book(s) or Pamphlet(s):
Invitation(s), Gallery Publicity:
Miscellaneous Other(s):

Reference Citations:

D. Pic., Dec. 22, 1875, Apr. 13, 1885, June 8, 1890, Oct. 12, 1902, Dec. 21, 1894; Every Saturday, Feb. 18, 1871; T. Demo., Feb. 28, 1884, Mar. 27, 1890. American Expo., Catalogue; Appleton, CAB; Autobiography of Jefferson, 63-65, 343-51, 464-76; Bénézit; Bicentennial Guide to Louisiana, 21; DAB; Dixie, (May 23, 1971): 11; Fielding, Dictionary; Groce and Wallace; Jefferson, Recollections; Kendall, Golden Age, 416-17, 422-23, 560-61; Kendall, "Old Houses," 804-5.Seebold I:43, 315, facing 324; TPSI, Nov. 25, 1980; Transit Riders' Digest, Dec. 5, 12, 1966; Winter, Jefferson; World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Expo., Catalogue, 42; WPA, Louisiana, 173, 438-39; WPA, New Orleans, 105.

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