Document information :

Abstract : June 26, 1793. Philadelphia. Memoir asked for by Genet, on the instructions sent June 25 to Ferdinand Bayard by a baker of New Orleans, remitted to the minister on June 26 by Bayard: information on forts, garrisons, and means of attack on New Orleans; sketch showing forts on the Mississippi and the Ohio. AE., États-Unis, sup., 28;72.

Number of pages : 0

Date : 1793-06-26

Document type : memoir

Recipient : Genet

Recipient's office: French Minister to the U.S.

Location information :
Site:Philadelphia  State or Province:Pennsylvania  Country or Continent:British North America/USA  

Original Surrey Calendar Citation : AE.,États-Unis,sup.,28;72.

Updated citation : AMAE,États-Unis,sup.,28;72.

Appearance in the Surrey Calendar : volume 2, order of appearance : 9833

keyword : foodstuffs