Document information :

Abstract : March 11, 1797. Aranjuez. Godoy to Pérignon. Refers to his former letters; Spain must have more substantial guarantees than France now offers. (French and Spanish in parallel columns.) 2pp. AE., Esp., sup., 18:114.

Number of pages : 2

Date : 1797-03-11

Document type : letter

Author : Godoy y Álvarez de Faria, Manuel

Sender's office: Spanish minister

Recipient : Perignon

Location information :
Site:Aranjuez (Spanish Seats of Government.)  State or Province:New Castile  Country or Continent:Spain  

Original Surrey Calendar Citation : AE., Esp., sup., 18:114.

Updated citation : AMAE, Esp., sup., 18:114.

Appearance in the Surrey Calendar : volume 2, order of appearance : 10125

Keyword :