Document information :

Abstract : December 24, 1685. Rochefort. [Arnoul] to Seignelay. Accounts of Duval, clerk on the Joly, should be paid by La Salle. (Copy.) 4 pp. BN., MSS. fr., n.a., 21332:428.

Number of pages : 4

Date : 1685-12-24

Document type : letter

Author : Arnoul

Recipient : Seignelay

Location information :
Site:Rochefort  State or Province:Aunis  Country or Continent:France  

Original Surrey Calendar Citation : BN., MSS. fr., n.a., 21332:428.

Updated citation : BNF., MSS. fr., n.a., 21332:428.

Appearance in the Surrey Calendar : volume 1, page : 23, order of appearance in the volume : 302

keyword : finances