Search results for "Illinois" : 465 matches.
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Abstract : December 31, 1759. April 30, 1767. [Fort Chartres], Illinois. Payroll of officers and employees for 1759. Signed by D\'Abbadie. (Additions, signed by Foucault on April 30, 1767.) 10pp. AC., D 2c, 52:125. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Statement of bonuses to officers, 1759. 2pp. AC., D 2c, 52:129. (LC.)

Abstract : June 10, 1762. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Itemized statement by D\'Abbadie of sums due officers and employees for services during the first five months of 1762. Marginal notes, 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52: n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : July 1762 to November 1762. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Payroll of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, Illinois garrison, for the above period. 11pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : August 1, 1764. Fort Chartres. Return of troops, Illinois garrison. Signed by Lefevre. 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : January 5, 1764. Fort Chartres. Return of troops, fifth company, Illinois garrison. Signed by Lefebvre. 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : June 8, 1707. Versailles. Minister to Riverin. Vaudreuil\'s hostility to Detroit. Joncaire\'s conduct toward Illinois Indians. 3 pp. AC., B 29:14.

Abstract : June 30, 1707. Versailles. Minister to De Muy. Instructions to examine complaints against Bienville, Iberville, and La Vente; to verify accounts of Bienville, Chateauguay and La Salle; need of Negroes; beaver trade; asks for memoir on mines, Indians, and agriculture; change of name for Mobile; Jesuits in Illinois; passport to France for Louis Biterne. 9 pp. AC., B 29:285.

Abstract : June 30, 1707. Versailles. Minister to La Forest. Latter\'s removal to Detroit, where he is to aid Cadillac. La Forest\'s grant in Illinois. Mme. La Forest. Tonty\'s bonus. 2 pp. AC., B 29:105.

Abstract : July 6, 1709. Versailles. Minister to Cadillac. Latter\'s inability to cooperate with others; his trouble with Jesuits; proposed canal between lakes Erie and Ontario; food for soldiers; beaver trade; expedition against Miamis; French-Indian marriages; war against Illinois; church; brandy trade; powder and lead; land grants; value of Michilimackinac post; Bourgmont\'s removal; place for son of Cadillac. 9 pp. AC., B 30:162. (LC.) Mich. H.C., XXXIII. 452(ext.).

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