Search results for "Illinois" : 465 matches.
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Abstract : October 3, 1736. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Public works. Fortifications, magazines, etc., at New Orleans, Bazile, Fort Toulouse, Arkansas, Natchitoches, and Illinois. 3 pp. AC., B 64:507. (LC.)

Abstract : October 26, 1736. Versailles. Minister to Bienville. Discussion of officers appointed or advanced in rank in Louisiana. Buissonnière, Illinois post; Capt. Noyan; Benoist de St. Clair; De Velle; Lieutenant Noyan; Macarty, brother of Captain Macarty; list of ensigns, etc. 4 pp. AC., B 64:521. (LC.)

Abstract : October 17, 1736. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Barracks, officers\' quarters; cotton shipments; rice flour, rations for troops; flour; reviews of troops; brevet for Courturier refused. Illinois country convoys; powder; lard, price and amount; rice. 2 pp. AC., B 64:517. (LC.)

Abstract : August 29, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. The Manne affair question of precedence in public ceremonies; passage of Cremont and family to France; surgeons for Illinois and Mobile; Indian goods; storehouse; brick; wine for the Charente; finances, card money, and bills of exchange; sale of slaves. 3 pp. AC. B 63:588. (LC.)

Abstract : August 29, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Activity of Soulier Rouge in Carolina; the king\'s Indian policy; rent due Ursuline sister at New Orleans; distribution of guns; Illinois convoys, and disappearance of Negroes; aid to Spaniards, wrecked near Balize; barracks and fortifications. 2 pp. AC., B 63:590. (LC.

Abstract : December 27, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Public works, barracks, and fortifications in Illinois; expenses; chapel and barracks at Mobile; death of Devins, De Bat [Batz?] recommended for the vacancy; powder-magazine at Balize; Natchitoches post; powder-magazine and barracks at New Orleans. 2 pp. AC., B 63:626. (LC.)

Abstract : December 27, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Irregularities in Illinois convoy service; lack of supplies for Wabash post; Illinois-Canada difference over payment of expense of war against Foxes; drawing of bills of exchange; Louisiana-Guadeloupe trade; merchandise. 3 pp. AC., B 63:628. (LC.)

Abstract : October 4, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Expenses of Company of the Indies for Louisiana after July 1, 1731; one bill for New Orleans, the other for Natchitoches, Natchez, and Illinois. 2 pp. AC., B 63:614. (LC.)

Abstract : October 4, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Flour from France. Trade of Louisiana with the Islands. Illinois post: expenses, storehouse, convoys, loss of powder and boat; lard, amount and price; soldiers\' re-enlistment; cross of St. Louis for D\'Artaguiette. 2 pp. AC., B 63:615. (LC.)

Abstract : October 4, 1735. Versailles. Minister to Bienville. Discussion of De Noyelles\' expedition against Foxes and Sauks; reports of Father Guienne, Father le Boullenger, and Beauharnais [Beauharnois]; Dartaguiette\'s part; size of French forces; Illinois against Chickasaws; Noyan, Contrecoeur, and Mazan made ensigns in Louisiana. 2 pp. AC., B 63:612. (LC.)

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