Search results for "commerce" : 2045 matches.
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Abstract : November 24, 1727. New Orleans. Périer and La Chaise to Council of the Indies. Merchandise for the Spanish trade; Dalcour\'s accounts; Negroes; political quarrels; discontent causes demands for passports; tobacco exported; prisons; barracks; commerce de pacotille. Marginal notes by the company. 14 pp. AC., C 13a, 10:203. (Miss.)

Abstract : October 23, 1727. Paris. Abbé Raguet to Father Beaubois. Reprimand for his conduct toward the company. 4 pp. AC., C 13, 10:345.

Abstract : March 6, 1728. New Orleans. Decree of the Superior Council, requiring voyageurs to make a declaration to D\'Auseville of kind, amount, and ownership of their cargoes. 2 pp. AC., A 23:88. (LC.)

Abstract : April 1, 1728. Paris. Company of the Indies to Ciron and Girard. Instructions on supply of food and cargo of sugar and rum to the Baleine. 2 pp. AC., C 13b, 1:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : April 9, 1728. New Orleans. Périer and La Chaise to Council of the Indies. Arrival of cargoes of Negroes; commerce de pacotille; arrival of company\'s ships; war against Foxes; illness of Vincennes; the Wabash post; loss of merchandise sent to Illinois. Claims of Beaubois and D\'Outreleau; construction work at Southeast Island; lumber from Francois Dugue\'s saw-mill; law to regulate property of. divorced persons; Balize pilots; English attack on St. Augustine; Etienne\'s passport to France, his accounts are in confusion; pitch and tar; price of tobacco; Chassin\'s bills of exchange; price of powder; Dubreuil\'s indigo; removal of Fort Chartres; Father Boulanger\'s church, Kaskaskia; list of documents enclosed. 23 pp. AC., C 13, 11:2 (Miss.) MC., Amer., F.C., 29vi:137(ext.).

Abstract : May 1, 1728. New Orleans. Périer to [the Abbé Raguet]. Jesuit missionaries; trouble between Beaubois and La Chaise over supplies; partial payment of officials with merchandise. 4 pp. AC., C 13, 11:5. (Miss.)

Abstract : July 31, 1728. New Orleans. Périer and La Chaise to Council of the Indies. Arrival of Negroes; bonus to Renaudais; company\'s ships; lumber, tobacco, and peltries exported; Spanish trade; French merchandise; copper money and notes; expenditure for Mobile; Vincennes\' report on Wabash post; tobacco crop; rations on company\'s ships; Negro hospital; need of surgeons; nails; salary advance to Broutin, Riffaud, and Herbault; Kolly-Massy Guenot land transaction; millstones. 24 pp. AC., C 13, 11:51. (Miss.)

Abstract : September 11, 1728. [Paris.] Minutes of the Council of Commerce. Project of a decree respecting the encouragement to be given to merchants who will equip vessels for Louisiana. 1p. AN., F 12, 79:707.

Abstract : November 15, 1728. New Orleans. Périer to the Abbé Raguet. Spanish trade; Indian presents; Beaubois\'s recall; false reports of his licentiousness; trouble between Jesuits and Capuchins. 4 pp. AC., C 13, 11:238. (Miss.)

Abstract : December 27, 1728. New Orleans. La Chaise to Abbé Raguet. Shipments of peltries, lumber, and tobacco to France. Death of the bishop of Quebec makes for harmony between Beaubois and Raphaël. Spanish trade. 3 pp. AC., C 13, 11:171. (Miss.)

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