Search results for "commerce" : 2045 matches.
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Abstract : August 22, 1735. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Much of the cargo of the Comte de Maurepas is entirely worthless; places the responsibility. Minister\'s note. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 20:231.

Abstract : August 25, 1735. New Orleans. Bienville to the minister. Capt. Matson\'s account of the colony of Georgia; English aggression among French Indians; Indian presents and merchandise for trade needed. 16 pp. AC., C 13, 20:160. (Miss.)

Abstract : August 27, 1735. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Illinois convoy; La Loëre-Coulange-Ducoder powder case; theft of merchandise, Vincennes and La Loëre in question, witnesses Gravière and Patron. 6 pp. AC., C 13, 20:242, 238 (duplicate).

Abstract : August 29, 1735. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. English ships at Mobile; Matson-Olivier affair; cargo of the Phoenix; illicit trade at Mobile by John Chaunel, English trader, with Olivier; attack by De Velle. 11 pp. AC., C 13, 20:93. (Miss.)

Abstract : August 30, 1735. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Account of conduct of Gaillard Bonnet, Canadian, and his ship the Yonnette, sold for debts and put in the Mobile-Vera Cruz trade. Report of English Indians\' hostility to Spaniards. 7 pp. AC., C 13, 20:101. (Miss.)

Abstract : September 3, 1735. New Orleans. Captain Elie Seignette\'s itemized statement of kind and amount of colonial products in cargo of the Comte de Maurepas, returning to France. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 20:258.

Abstract : September 4, 1735. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Request supply of scarlet cloth; price of French merchandise. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 20:118. (Miss.)

Abstract : September 9, 1735. New Orleans. Bienville to the minister. Father Beaudoin\'s report on Choctaw-English conference; English traders among Choctaws; Choctaw-Chickasaw war. 14 pp. AC., C 13, 20:185. (Miss.)

Abstract : September 10, 1735. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Island trade in lumber, brick, and other colonial products; the Ste. Anne\'s trip to Guadeloupe enlists Gov[ernor] Larnage\'s interest: discussion of colonial vessels to be used. 3 pp. AC., C 13, 20:260, 263 (duplicate).

Abstract : September 11, 1735. Note to [Salmon], for the payment of bills of exchange from Louisiana. 1p. AC., F 1, 32:145.

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