Search results for "commerce" : 2045 matches.
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Abstract : 1736. Invoice of scarlet cloth delivered at Montpellier for Louisiana. 1p. AC., F 1, 33:121.

Abstract : February 10, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Arrival of French vessels; composition of their cargoes; sends inventories and statement of bills of exchange. (Ext.) 3 pp. AC., C 13, 21:243.

Abstract : February 20, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Reasons for drawing large bills of exchange: to pay for merchandise; advances to contractor of public works for materials; aid to pitch and tar industry; promotion of trade with the Islands; expenditure for the Chickasaw war. (Ext.) 10 pp. AC., C 13, 21:245.

Abstract : April 15, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Criminal conduct of Manne; lead from France received in bad condition; quality of pitch and tar shipments; arrival of carpenters, De Villers placed in charge of shipbuilding; acknowledge receipt of cables and anchors; pilots; Gerald\'s dishonest dealings in Island trade; English merchant ships at Mobile; supply of food to Pensacola; governor of Florida asks for guns for defense against English. 9 pp. AC., C 13, 21:7; 13 (duplicate); AE., Esp., 443:115 (ext.).

Abstract : April 24, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Account of preparations for attack on Chickasaws; supplies, transportation, troops; arrival of a merchant vessel from Martinique. 7 pp. AC., C 13, 21:250. (Miss.)

Abstract : May 31, 1736. [Paris.] Decree permitting French merchants to buy salt meat in Ireland for the American colonies. 1p. AN., F 12, 83:341.

Abstract : June, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Account of Capt[ain] Franssure de Villers\' services to the colony; arrival of merchandise, munitions, French and Swiss soldiers. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 21a :23.

Abstract : June 9, 1736. Mobile. Diron to the minister. Bienville\'s defeat; aggressions of English traders; prices of furs. 4 pp. AC., C 13, 21:352; F 3, 24:296.

Abstract : June 10, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Establishment of trade with Spaniards of Pensacola, Mexico, and Adayes; agriculture; tobacco, indigo, cotton, silk, hemp, and flax; need of Negroes; pitch and tar; trade with the Islands. 10 pp. AC., C 13, 21:25; 31 (abstract, with the minister\'s notes in the margin). (Miss.)

Abstract : June 10, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Dr. Prat\'s usefulness to the colony; Ensign Callot\'s conduct and passport; arrival of Mobile gunner; shortage in cargo of the Comte de Maurepas. 3 p. AC., C 13, 21:34; 18 (ext., with the minister\'s approval).

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