Search results for "commerce" : 2045 matches.
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Abstract : June 14, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Indian trade, quality and price of merchandise; cloth; price of deerskins. Surgeon Manadé remains in the colony. Sabran\'s bonus. 5 pp. AC., C 13, 21:41. (Miss.)

Abstract : June 16, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Report on affairs in the Illinois country: convoys; expense of post; commission to La Loëre for efficiency as storekeeper; powder; lard; acknowledges cross of St. Louis for Dartaguiette, deceased. Flour from France; scarcity of food; price of rice. (Ext.) 4 pp. AC., C 13, 21:275.

Abstract : June 19, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Recovery of Negroes in the Manne affair; Bretton selected for Chickasaw campaign; need of surgeons; return to Rochefort of ill-chosen Indian goods; guns for farmers; settlers\' arrears of payments on Negroes. (Ext.) 4 pp. AC., C 13, 21:284.

Abstract : June 25, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Sends statements of supplies furnished to ships for return to France and shortage in merchandise from merchant ships. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 21:291.

Abstract : June 26, 1736. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. Dismissal of Pellerin, storekeeper at New Orleans; discussion of his accounts; sends memoir by Pellerin explaining his case; recommends as storekeepers Gautreau for New Orleans, Barbin for Balize. 6 pp. AC., C 13, 21:295; 324 (ext., with marginal notes).

Abstract : June 26, 1736. New Orleans. Bienville to the minister. English of Georgia menace Fort Toulouse; Choctaw trade; hostility of Chief Soulier Rouge; inferior quality of scarlet cloth; construction of Fort Tombecbé under Capt[ain] Bertel. 3 pp. AC., C 13, 21:175. (Miss.) AC., C 13, 21:177 (ext., with marginal notes).

Abstract : July 12, 1736. Compiègne. Minister to Beauharnais [Beauharnois]. Instructions for purchase of merchandise for Louisiana: ammunition, knives, hatchets, etc. 1p. AC., B 64:244.

Abstract : July 23, 1736. Compiègne. Minister to Beauharnais [Beauharnois]. Errors in bill of lading of the Perle; instructs him to investigate them; inquiry about the Comte de Maurepas, destined for Louisiana. 1p. AC., B 64:246.

Abstract : July 23, 1736. Compiègne. Minister to Rasteau. Payment of subsidy on cargoes of the Perle and the Comte de Maurepas; he has no freight for the Perle\'s return to Louisiana; his sale of beaver skins to Company of the Indies is to be adjusted with the company. 1p. AC., B 64:247.

Abstract : July 25, 1736. Compiègne. Minister to St. Léon. Instructions about merchandise for Louisiana; delivery, payment, etc. 1p. AC., B 64:60.

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