Search results for "commerce" : 2045 matches.
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Abstract : October 30, 1737. New Orleans. Ordinance, forbidding anyone at Natchitoches to sell domestic animals or farm products to Spaniards. 2 pp. AC., A 23:124. (LC.)

Abstract : December [12, ] 1737. New Orleans. Salmon to the minister. English contraband trade with Olivier at Mobile; French attack; seizure and confiscation of English vessel. 10 pp. AC., C 13, 22:198. (Miss.)

Abstract : December 12, 1737. New Orleans. Bienville to the minister. English contraband trade with Olivier at Mobile; French attack; seizure and confiscation of English vessel. 6 pp. AC., C 13, 22:107.

Abstract : December 15, 1737. [New Orleans.] Bienville and Salmon to the minister. Amount and quality of cloth needed annually for the Indian trade. 1p. AC., C22:55.

Abstract : April 12, 1738. Mobile. Diron to the minister. Spanish attitude toward French deserters; shortage of food at Pensacola; English traders among small tribes around Mobile; Choctaw situation; equipment for men at Tombecbé; Olivier\'s work at Mobile; Choctaw trade; De Velle goes to France; replies to accusations relative to English vessels at Mobile. 11 pp. AC., C 13, 23: 179. (Miss.)

Abstract : May 29, 1738. New Orleans. Bienville to Beauharnois [Beauharnais]. Development of Wabash post by Buissonnière; Natchez prisoners; avenging of English traders. 2 pp. AC., C 13, 23:77. (Miss.)

Abstract : May 30, 1738. New Orleans. Historical memoir on Louisiana, addressed to the minister. La Salle\'s discovery and explorations; Iberville\'s work; Crozat\'s company; Company of the West; retrocession, January 23, 1731. 4 pp. AC., F 3, 24:313; C 13c, 4:2; ASH., 67-2: no. 16. (LC.)

Abstract : June 22, 1738. Michilimackinac. Vouchers given by La Martinière to Couvret and Demusseaux for supplies furnished to chiefs of Sauks and Foxes. 2 pp. AC., C 11, 72:109.

Abstract : July 15, 1738. Mobile. Bizoton to the minister. Reports on work of his new position; accounts, merchandise, etc.; need of a gunner; boats; bad condition of public buildings; English activity among Choctaws; Choctaw-Chickasaw peace; Spanish expedition against Georgia. 10p. AC., C 13, 23:190. (Miss.)

Abstract : July 15, 1738. Mobile. Bizoton to the minister. Asks that supplies be shipped direct from France to Mobile. The St. Charles\' cargo of pitch, tar, and furs. 3 pp. AC., C 13, 23:195. (Miss.)

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