Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : 1733. Statement, submitted by De Selle, of funds ordered for expenses of Louisiana and of the sums actually spent. 4 pp. AC., F 1, 31:92.

Abstract : 1733. Statement of bills of exchange drawn on the treasurer general of marine, in respect to Louisiana. (Minute.) 3 pp. AC., F 1, 31:89.

Abstract : January 5, 1733. Versailles. Order to the treasurer general of marine to accept the statement of the Company of the Indies on what it should pay to be relieved of its obligations with respect to Louisiana. (Minute.) 1p. AC., F 1, 31:91.

Abstract : January 12, 1733. Versailles. Warrant for payment at Rochefort for flour sent to Louisiana on the Ste. Anne from La Rochelle. (Minute.) 1p. AC., F 1, 31:94.

Abstract : January 12, 1733. Versailles. Warrant to pay for clothing of recruits for Louisiana and Cayenne. (Minute.) 1p. AC., F 1, 31:160.

Abstract : January 19, March 16, 1733. Versailles. Warrants to pay salaries of Swiss companies serving in Martinique, Santo Domingo, and Louisiana. (Minutes.) 2 pp. AC., F 1, 31:127, 137.

Abstract : March 16, 1733. Versailles. Warrant to pay for passage and subsistence of recruits sent from Bordeaux to Louisiana on the Dauphin. 1p. AC., F 1, 31:97.

Abstract : March 30, 1733. Versailles. Statement of amount to be sent to Rochefort for freight of cargo going to Louisiana on the Ste. Anne and for the passage of officers and soldiers by the same vessel. (Minute.) 2 pp. AC., F 1, 31:95.

Abstract : March 30, 1733. Versailles. Warrant to pay for uniforms of 100 recruits for Louisiana. (Minute.) 1p. AC., F 1, 31:96.

Abstract : 1734. Statement of the funds to be sent for expenses of Louisiana in 1734 and the amount deducted. 2 pp. AC., F 1, 31:269.

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