Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : December 31, 1759. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Statement of bonuses to officers, 1759. 2pp. AC., D 2c, 52:129. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. [Fort Toulouse], Alibamons. Itemized statement of various expenses for Fort Toulouse garrison. Verified and approved by Rochemore and Denis Nicolas Foucault. 6pp. AC., D 2c, 52:169. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. Mobile. Itemized statement of bonuses due officers of Mobile and outlying posts for 1759. Signed by De Callongue and Bobé. Minister\'s approval. 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52:171. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. Natchez. Payroll of officers at Natchez during 1759. Signed by Guibault. 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52:70. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. Pointe Coupée. Payrolls of officers for 1759. Marginal notes. 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52:71, 177. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1759. New Orleans. Itemized statement of bonuses to officers in different posts of Louisiana during 1759. Signed by Denis Nicolas Foucault. 4pp. AC., D 2c, 52:109. (LC.)

Abstract : December 31, 1760. Natchez. Payroll for troops of the Natchez garrison for last four months of 1760. 4pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : June 10, 1762. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Itemized statement by D\'Abbadie of sums due officers and employees for services during the first five months of 1762. Marginal notes, 3pp. AC., D 2c, 52: n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : July 1762 to November 1762. Fort Chartres, Illinois. Payroll of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, Illinois garrison, for the above period. 11pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

Abstract : October 1, 1762. Arkansas post. Payroll of troops at the Arkansas post for first nine months of 1762. Signed by Layssard. 4pp. AC., D 2c, 52:n.p. (LC.)

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