Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : September 9, 1734. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Money for Nolant from his family to be remitted to Noyan. Fleuriau\'s return to France. 1p. AC., B 61:667. (LC.)

Abstract : September 9, 1734. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Missionaries; conduct of cure of missions etrangeres at Fort Chartres; Father Beaubois\' proposition; funds; number of missionaries since 1731; Father Guyennes on the Wabash. 3 pp. AC., B 61:668. (LC.)

Abstract : September 16, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Simart [Simars] de Bellisle. La Croix, commissary general of marine, ordonnateur at Rochefort, has been ordered to pay him his salary, and to ship him plows and other implements; his passage to Louisiana on the Somme; he is to be given first vacant lieutenancy. 1p. AC., B 59:621. (LC.

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Statement of expenses for Louisiana; instructions to keep within amount appropriated. 1p. AC., B 59:598. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Bizoton. His application for the status of comptroller ad interim; to be made comptroller. 1p. AC., B 59:616. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Fortifications; repairs at the various posts; powder-magazine, guard-house, prison, and barracks; ditches, bridges, and a wine storehouse for New Orleans; hospital; instructions for annual reports. 8 pp. AC., B 59:590. (LC)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Passage to Louisiana for the sister of Renault d\'Hauterive, and Baschemin Corbin; census of the colony to be sent on the Somme; Fontaine\'s amnesty; bonuses to St. Denis, Bessan, and others, but refused to Jousset de la Loire; Salmon\'s distribution of funds approved; La Loëre, a clerk at Illinois post; midwife; brevet to Manade; fortifications; hospital expenses, furniture, utensils; military clothing sent on the Somme. 4 pp. AC., B 59:595. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Debt of Company of the Indies; payment and price of merchandise; Negroes; rice; plantations; brick factories; lime for fortifications. 2 pp. AC., B 59:585. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Louisiana accounts; statement of expenses, July 1731 to April 1, 1733; troops, funds, merchandise, and munitions sent out on the Somme. 4 pp. AC., B 59: 612. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1733. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Bienville\'s land grant in Louisiana; asks for memoir on improvements made, expenses incurred, and actual condition of land before and after August 10, 1728; motives for his request. 4 pp. AC., B 59:607. (LC.)

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