Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : September 23, 1724. Paris. Commission of Prevost as bookkeeper in Louisiana. 1p. AC., B 43:474. (LC.)

Abstract : September 23, 1724. Paris. Detailed estimate of expenditure for Louisiana by the Company of the Indies in 1725. 13 pp. AC., B 43:463. (LC.)

Abstract : November 29, 1724. Paris. Memoir serving as instructions for Perault as accountant in Louisiana. Copy of various orders given him; relations with La Chaise; the company\'s debts; his salary. 4 pp. AC., B 43:485. (LC.)

Abstract : December 6, 1724. Paris. Supplement to the general estimate of expenses of Company of the Indies for Louisiana during 1725. 1p. AC., B 43:496. (LC.)

Abstract : November 28, 1725. Paris. Commission of Bailly as bookkeeper in Louisiana. 2 pp. AC., B 43:557. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1726. Paris. Order by the company to allow four percent of the value of colonial merchandise, shipped to France from Louisiana on vessels of the company, to the conseil de régie: one percent. each to Périer and La Chaise, and one-half per cent each to Bruslé, D\'Ausseville, Bru, and La Loire, for their services in the advancement of agriculture and commerce in Louisiana. 1p. AC., B 43:630. (LC.)

Abstract : September 22, 1726. Fontainebleau. Decree of the Council of State, ordering that all accounts passed by Perault be verified and signed by La Chaise. 1p. AC., B 43:640. (LC.)

Abstract : September 28, 1726. Paris. General estimate of expenditure for Louisiana during 1727, with marginal notes. 12 pp. AC., B 43:641. (LC.)

Abstract : September 30, 1726. Paris. Ordinance by the company, respecting salaries of officers and employees in Louisiana. 2 pp. AC., B 43:652. (LC.)

Abstract : October 14, 1726. Fontainebleau. Decree of the council of state, appointing D\'Ausseville to audit accounts of Louisiana since 1717. 1p. AC., B 43:688. (LC.)

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