Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : May 22, 1731. Marly. Minister to Périer and Salmon. Instructs them to promote commerce and agriculture; the Gironde and the Dromadaire sail with cargoes of supplies for Louisiana; funds for expenses or 1732; copper money; flour; lard; liquor; troops. 4 pp. AC., B 55: 586. (LC.)

Abstract : November 20, 1731. Marly. Minister to Karrer. Statement of pay of troops on the Somme sent to Salmon. Commissions. 2 pp. AC., B 55:231.

Abstract : November 26, 1731. Marly. Warrant for advance of pay to 150 Swiss soldiers who are to go to Louisiana on the Somme. [Minute.] 1 p. AC., F 1, 30:100.

Abstract : November 27, 1731. Marly. Minister to Rasteau. Payment of a bonus on cargo shipped to Louisiana on the St. Paul. 1 p. AC., B 55:232.

Abstract : August 19, 1732. Marly. Minister to Gassion. Chevalier de St. Agnet, appointed second ensign in Louisiana, to report at Rochefort; his pay small, his parents to pay for additional needs. 1p. AC., B 56:89.

Abstract : August 19, 1732. Marly. Minister to Dionis. Shipment of supplies, arms, and merchandise for Louisiana, and exemption of the same from duty. 1 p. AC., B 56:92.

Abstract : August 19, 1732. Marly. Minister to Bourgine. Contract with Beauharnais [Beauharnois] for the Ste. Anne approved; her cargo, freight on flour, passenger rates on officers. 1 p. AC., B 56:260.

Abstract : August 26, 1732. Marly. Minister to Salmon. Instructions regarding Ursulines, number of sisters, quarters, hospital, and government support; pay of surgeons; officers, quarters; trade between Louisiana and French Islands. 3 pp. AC., B 57:794. (LC.)

Abstract : September 1, 1732. Marly. Warrant for payment of freight on flour shipped to Louisiana.. (Minute.) 1 p. AC., F 1, 30:219.

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Decree of Company of the Indies, regarding merchandise and advances made to Louisiana; Negroes, plantations, food, and other property ceded to the king. AC., A 2, no. 8.

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