Search results for "finances" : 1876 matches.
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Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Orry, comptroller general. Instructs him to take up Vinier\'s claims regarding payment for Louisiana tobacco arriving on the Gironde and sum due Rasteau. 1 p. AC., B 56:96.

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Marias. Instructions regarding pay, for four months, to Charles Joly, carpenter and calker from Port Louis, for work done in Louisiana; Salmon\'s silence regarding the matter. 1 p. AC., B 56:98.

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Frotin. Discusses the voyage to Louisiana of the St. Rene; bonus; price of tobacco; departure of Rasteau\'s vessel and one from La Rochelle for the same destination. 1p. AC., B 56:99.

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Fossinguant. Acknowledges receipt of bill of lading for the St. Rene; bonus; asks him to send St. Malo merchants a copy of decree on price of Louisiana tobacco in France. 1 p. AC., B 56:99.

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Louisiana troops, rations, disapproval of better conditions for Swiss than French, reduction in lard and flour from France, Illinois products, pay, and powder; funds for Ursuline orphanage at New Orleans; disapproval of house of correction, as the number of dissolute women is decreasing; relations of Jesuits and Capuchins, recall of Father Hyacinthe, his passage to France on the Gironde; supply of wine and brandy. 3 pp. AC., B 57:810. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister of Marine, Comte de Maurepas, to Bienville and Salmon. Instructions regarding pilots Livaudais, Fichon, and Amelot, their pay, etc.; land titles, ordinance of March 29, 1731; loss of the St. Louis en route for Mobile, and death of members of crew; powder magazine and barracks at New Orleans. 2 pp. AC., B 57:822. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister of Marine, Comte de Maurepas, to Bienville and Salmon. Order regarding Salmon\'s power to draw bills of exchange in favor of merchants; appointments of councillors of the superior council; agriculture; freight rates for tobacco, rice, and cotton; duty exemptions on colonial products from Louisiana; merchant vessels and cargoes destined for Louisiana; bonuses; plantation and brick-kiln of the company to be taken over by the king. 4 pp. AC., B 57: 820. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Salmon. Epidemic at New Orleans; St. Denis, commander at Natchitoches; approval of sending the St. Louis from New Orleans to Mobile with Crémont, food for soldiers, and Indian presents; Mobile furtrade; expense of Crémont\'s workmen at Mobile; supply of cordwood for barracks at posts, and its price; good relations desired between governor and ordonnateur. 2 pp. AC., B 57:807. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Salmon. Agreement with an apothecary for medicine for sick; leakage of wine and brandy; the Gironde\'s cargo; Robeneau de Prefontaine rejected as commissary; French boys among Indians; pay, rations, and clothing of troops; storekeepers\' returns; authority to select his assistants; head tax on Negroes. 4 pp. AC., B 57:816. (LC.)

Abstract : September 2, 1732. Marly. Minister to Salmon. Merchandise from the company\'s storehouse in Louisiana; instructions for price and distribution of supplies to posts from convoys en route from Illinois to New Orleans; iron shipments for 1733; Charles Joly, carpenter and calker. 2 pp. AC., B 57:817. (LC.)

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