Records - G

There are 879 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Galatas, Philip

Active in New Orleans: 1977-
Artistic Focus: craftsman, woodworker, carver

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Gale, William

Active in New Orleans: 1840-1845
Artistic Focus: craftsman, painter, woodworker

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Galeppi, Alexander

Death Date: 10/1874, Joinville-le-Pont, France

Active in New Orleans: 1849-56
Artistic Focus: sculptor, engraver, art dealer

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Galerany, Alex

Active in New Orleans: 1852
Artistic Focus: artist

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Galet, Victor

Active in New Orleans: 1844
Artistic Focus: craftsman, woodworker

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Galiber, Emily

Active in New Orleans: 1950-
Artistic Focus: painter

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Active in New Orleans: 1852
Artistic Focus: artist

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Galjour, Desier

Active in New Orleans: 1988
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Gall, Sally

Artistic Focus: photographer

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Gallagher, Thomas

Birth Date: c. 1851,
Death Date: 1881 (?), New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1866-1877
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Gallaugher, Pat

Artistic Focus: sketch artist, architect

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Gallery of Fine Arts

Active in New Orleans: 1842
Artistic Focus: art association

Is An Institution
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Active in New Orleans: 1842
Artistic Focus: jeweler

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Galley, Felix

Active in New Orleans: 1890-92
Artistic Focus: artist

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Galli, Alfredo

Active in New Orleans: 1935-40
Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Galli, Paul

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1920-30's
Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Gallie, J. P.

Active in New Orleans: 1851
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Gallier, James Jr.

Birth Date: 1827, Huntington, England
Death Date: 1868, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1835-58
Artistic Focus: designer, architect

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Gallier, Turpin & Co.

Active in New Orleans: 1849-51
Artistic Focus: architect

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Gallier, James Sr.

Birth Date: 7/24/1798, Ravensdale, Louth, Ireland

Active in New Orleans: 1834-49
Artistic Focus: architect

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