Records - G

There are 879 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Gallier, Josephine Blanche

Birth Date: 1/2/1856, New Orlenas, LA
Death Date: 11/7/1933, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1904
Artistic Focus: artist

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Gallier & Dakin,

Active in New Orleans: 1835
Artistic Focus: architect

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Gallier & Esterbrook

Active in New Orleans: 1858-66
Artistic Focus: architect

Is An Institution
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Gallier Family

Is An Institution
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Gallo, Frank

Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Active in New Orleans: 1849
Artistic Focus: painter

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Gallot, E.

Active in New Orleans: 1885
Artistic Focus: artist

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Gallotti, Barholemew

Active in New Orleans: 1916
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Galloway, Drew

Artistic Focus: painter

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Galmiche, Eugene

Active in New Orleans: 1893-1917
Artistic Focus: artist

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Galvani, Charles

Death Date: ca. 1864-66,

Active in New Orleans: 1850-61
Artistic Focus: artist, painter, portraitist, restorer

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Galvez, Byron

Active in New Orleans: 1984
Artistic Focus: painter

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Galvin, Edward

Active in New Orleans: 1882-91
Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Gamberini, Domenico

Active in New Orleans: 1848
Artistic Focus: artist, painter

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Gambiaso, John

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1851
Artistic Focus: designer

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Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Gamble, Eloise J.

Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Gamble, Kathy

Active in New Orleans: 1981
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Gamble, Robert

Active in New Orleans: 1962
Artistic Focus: painter

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Gamble, William H.

Artistic Focus: lithographer

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