Records - H

There are 1038 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Holleyman, Ruth

Active in New Orleans: 1949
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Holliday, JNO.

Active in New Orleans: 1867
Artistic Focus: carver

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Hollingsworth, G. W.

Active in New Orleans: 1871
Artistic Focus: draftsman, engineer

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Hollingsworth, Shirley

Active in New Orleans: 1934-38
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hollingsworth, William

Birth Date: 1910,
Death Date: 1944,

Artistic Focus: painter

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Hollins, Edwin C.

Active in New Orleans: 1933
Artistic Focus: artist

Full Record

Hollins, L.

Active in New Orleans: 1933
Artistic Focus: artist

Full Record

Hollis, Doug

Active in New Orleans: 1983
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Hollman, P. T.

Artistic Focus: artist

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Hollosy, Gyuri

Active in New Orleans: 1981-
Artistic Focus: sculptor, art teacher

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Holloway, Don

Artistic Focus: potter, sculptor

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Holloway, Sheryl

Active in New Orleans: 1982
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Holm, Victor

Birth Date: 12/6/1876, Copenhagen, Denmark
Death Date: 1935,

Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Holman, Susan

Active in New Orleans: 1983-87
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Holmes, Ralph William

Birth Date: 1877, La Grange, IL

Active in New Orleans: 1904
Artistic Focus: painter, illustrator, craftsman

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Holmes, F. R.

Active in New Orleans: 1921
Artistic Focus: artist

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Holmes, William

Active in New Orleans: 1936-37
Artistic Focus: artist

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Holmes, Marcia

Birth Date: 1954, Laurel, MS

Active in New Orleans: 1999 -
Artistic Focus: painter

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Holmes & Bennett

Active in New Orleans: 1839
Artistic Focus: metalworker

Is An Institution
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Holsburg, Clarence

Active in New Orleans: 1910
Artistic Focus: engraver

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